
Showing posts from August, 2022

First day of school Reflection

After the final bell rang and the children had safely loaded on their buses for the journey home, the halls experienced a different conversation. Teachers had emerged from their classrooms to digest the day, the very first day of the 2022-2023 school year. Five teachers leaned up against the walls to recap the woes they faced over the last eight hours. The nation has heard from thousands of teachers that last year was the most challenging school year educators have faced so naturally, the question begs to be asked, what will educators encounter in this school year? On this day, students entered into new schedules. Schedules that were different than what they experienced all summer. They were inundated with new routines. New expectations from new people. New experiences with these new people with the possibility of new relationships forming. It is my belief that the beginning of the school year is about human connection. As former educator, Rita Pierson so famously said in her TEDTalk,